November’s Activities – The Toyshop
Junior Infants worked in groups during Aistear on the topic of ‘The Toyshop’ for the month of November. We discussed out favourite toys to play with inside and outside. We put toys into different categories, made some jigsaws and played with board games and play dough. During this time we explored floating and sinking and freezing and thawing as our science experiment. It was very exciting to see how our toys had frozen at the bottom or the top of the container over night.
We practiced using some vocabulary that would be used in a toyshop such as more, less, price, cheaper, more expensive, euro, cent, change, till, customer and most of all using our manners. We acted out having a sale, offers or discounting toys. Writing a shopping list was an activity all of the children completed and overall we thoroughly enjoyed exploring the topic of the toyshop in Aistear this month.